
Ottendorfer´s House - Museum of Esperanto

Czech name Ottendorferův dům - Muzeum esperanta
Address náměstí Míru 1
GPS 49°45'17"N 16°28'22"E (xx km)
441 m above sea level

For more than a decade, the first and still the only museum of Esperanto in the Czech Republic has been making history. Thanks to it, the rich cultural tradition of the charming Ottendorfer's House, where the museum is located, continues. The exhibition will guide you through the story of the creation of this world universal language, the history of the Esperanto movement in the world and in our country and, last but not least, the practical use of the language. Did you know that Esperanto is said to be six times easier to learn than a common foreign language? The museum has a library of Esperanto literature and peculiar collectables such as a magazine on handmade paper from Japan, a book with a personal dedication by Jan Masaryk or the comprehensive monolingual dictionary Plena Ilustrata Vortaro.

Category mansion / villa / palace, memorial plaque, museum
Certificates and memberships Cultural monument
Style Historicised (90%)
Staff languages Esperanto, German, Slovak
Date of construction 1892
Year of latest reconstruction 1991

Tours / exhibitions

Esperanto exposition
Description Rare exemplars of books published in Esperanto in all countries of the world and documentation of the Esperanto movement in the CR and worldwide, plus its practical use in science and technology. The history and present of Esperanto in Svitavy. Collector’s curiosities and historical tokens – magazines on handmade paper from Japan, books personally inscribed by Jan Masaryk, a fully illustrated dictionary.
Open to public
Photography allowed: Yes
Video cameras allowed: Yes
Opening hours
(GMT +1)
  • year round Tu-Fr 9:00-12:00 13:00-21:00 (independently without guide)
  • year round Sa, Su 15:00-21:00 (independently without guide)

Before visiting the building we recommend checking the current opening hours on the building's website or by contacting the operator by telephone.

closed Closed right now, as per business hours
Last tour before closing: 30 min.
Sightseeing time: 60 min.
Foreign languages tour guide (Czech, Esperanto, German), printed guide (Czech, English, Esperanto, German, Russian), descriptions (Czech, Esperanto)
Exhibition specialization literature, regional history
Minimum / maximum number of people per guide 4/30
Tour of Ottendorfer's library
Description In the interior, the corridors have been preserved in their original state and primarily the representative, wood panelled concert hall with dressing rooms and incredible acoustics, in which classical music concerts and special celebrations are still held today.
Open to public
Wheelchair Access : No
Photography allowed: Yes
Video cameras allowed: Yes
Opening hours
(GMT +1)
  • year round all day (only to order)

Before visiting the building we recommend checking the current opening hours on the building's website or by contacting the operator by telephone.

Last tour before closing: 30 min.
Sightseeing time: 45 min.
Foreign languages tour guide (Czech, German, Slovak), printed guide (Czech, English, German)
Minimum / maximum number of people per guide 4/30