(xx km)

Number of days | 1 |
Predominant type of transportation | on foot |
Svitavy Urban Heritage Tour
(guided tour, 5.6 km)
Information on altitude: start - 439 m, end - 439 m, ascended - 12 m, descended - 12 m, minimum - 434 m, maximum - 451 mUrban conservation area in Svitavy [1]
náměstí Míru
Old town hall [2]
náměstí Míru 50
House U Mouřenína [3]
náměstí Míru 48
Memorial plaque to General Suvorov and Viktor Felber [4]
Ottendorfer´s House - Museum of Esperanto [5]
náměstí Míru 1
Municipal museum and gallery in Svitavy [6]
Máchova alej 1
Church of St. Jiljí [7]
Svitavy - cemetery [8]
Ecco Homo statue [9]
Statue of the Holy Trinity [10]
Roman Catholic parish [11]
Školní 342/14
Fabrika - theatre, cultural centre [12]
Wolkerova alej 92/18
Sponer's (Ettl's) Villa [13]
Milady Horákové 6
Svitavy Elementary School [14]
Riegrova 4
Liberation Memorial [15]
Svitava Elementary School [16]
T. G. Masaryka 27
Sisters of Mercy convent [17]
T. G. Masaryka 33
Villa Langer [18]
T.G. Masaryka 35
Jan Palach Park [19]
Statue Maternal Love [20]
Oskar Schindler memorial plaque Svitavy [21]
Cafe in the park [22]
Dvořákova 5
Albrecht's Villa [23]
Dimitrovova 4
Budig's Villa [24]
Dimitrovova 33
Church of St. Joseph [25]
Polní 11
Remains of the city ramparts Svitavy [26]
Municipal court [27]
Svitava Elementary School [28]
náměstí Míru 38/73
Building of the former savings bank [29]
náměstí Míru 87
Marian Column [30]
náměstí Míru
Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary in Svitavy [31]
náměstí Míru